End of Month Reading Reflections | July 2023

This video will include a list of all the things I read during the month, a few of my reading stats for the month, my best and worst reads of the month.

If you are interested in hearing my thoughts on any of the things I read during the month, please check out my Disis19 Diaries for July. I do have short written reviews available on Goodreads or my blog for the novels I read, but not the manga. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is a stat you'd like to see me include in the future!

Links after the break

Disis19 Diaries: July 2-8 | 2023 -  July Wrap Up 1, a Knitting Update, and a Small Yarn Haul: https://youtu.be/FB4s0MO3TlE

Disis19 Diaries: July 9-15 | 2023 -  A DNF, Re-Reading When Stressed, and Christmas in July Knitting: https://youtu.be/UwBqyyqi8Bg

Monochrome Manga Club First Impressions | Honey Lemon Soda & Blue Lock: https://youtu.be/SLy2Ytc6X2Q

Disis19 Diaries: July 16-22 | 2023 -  Choose Your Own Adventure Readathon Week 1 & Manga Shopping: https://youtu.be/TsiYfuAWpbI

Disis19 Diaries: July 23-29 | 2023 -  CYOA Readathon Week 2, Sharkathon, & Letting Go of KU: https://youtu.be/p275l3phf8g

Disis19 Diaries: July 30-August 5 | 2023 -  Orilium Autumn Equinox & #801Reads Wrap Up 1 & a Sock: https://youtu.be/fcfsaI3JzXI


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