Disis19 Diaries: July 30-August 5 | 2023 - Orilium Autumn Equinox & #801Reads Wrap Up 1 & a Sock

Welcome to my July/August reading and crafting vlog! I've decided to rename these Disis19 Diaries, because that's what these videos really are - diary entries as opposed to following me around while I do things. This vlog will encompass my last reads of July, and my thoughts on the first things I read for the Orilium Magical Readathon Autumn Equinox and the 801 Readathon


Helicoprion by Michael Cole
Ragna Crimson, Volumes 1 & 2 by Daiki Kobayashi
Junk Shop Blues (Criminal Intentions Season 1, Episode 2) by Cole McCade
The Anatomist by Esa Parr
...and I Love You by Masato Inoue
Dekoboko Bittersweet Days (Dekoboko Sugar Days 2) by Atsuko Yusen
Dekoboko Sugar Rush! Extra 2 (Dekoboko Sugar Days 4) by Atsuko Yusen


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