Disis19 Diaries: July 23-29 | 2023 - CYOA Readathon Week 2, Sharkathon Readathon, and Letting Go of KU

Welcome to my July reading and crafting vlog! I've decided to rename these Disis19 Diaries, because that's what these videos really are - diary entries as opposed to following me around while I do things. This vlog will encompass my second week of the Choose Your Own Adventure Readathon, the Sharkathon Readathon, chat about letting go of my Kindle Unlimited Subscription, and another July Wrap Up.


Ghouls Gone Wild (Ghost Hunter Mysteries 4) by Victoria Laurie
Phantoms & Felonies (Haunted Mansion Mysteries 2) by Lucy Ness
Mission: Yozakura Family Volume 3 by Hitsuji Gondaira


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