I read 4 novels in September! I completed a series, I continued in a series, and I read two stand alone novels which happen to be new releases. Really unusual for me to read so many new releases, but some spontaneous buddy reads have given me the opportunity to do so.
Meltdown by Scott Wallens My rating: 3 of 5 stars I enjoyed this book a little more than the previous. I could connect a bit more with Jane on a personal level than I have been with the other characters. That is usually the case for me though when band is involved, as it is something that was a large part of my life for many years. Still having issues with the parents, however I am glad that it seems Jane is actually doing something to make her parents understand what she's feeling rather than just lashing out. A solid three star read for me though the story still hasn't wowed me. View all my reviews
Grim Reaper: End of Days by Steve Alten My rating: 2 of 5 stars This was just ok for me. I suppose it wasn't the story I was expecting going in. It's a battle between good and evil with elements of spirituality and science, but there's a lot going on. There were many POVs and I felt like that made the story drag. This seems to be the start of a series per the last few pages in the book, but there have not been any subsequent novels published to date. I don't think I would've continued with this series if there were to be honest. This book did feel final enough for me in the epilogue. Though I didn't enjoy this book very much, I have been enjoying the author's MEG series a lot and will try other books by him in the future. View all my reviews
I'm finally situated in my new office! Lighting on this one is a bit funky, so I apologize. Just getting used to filming in a new area. This one wraps up the novels I read in May as well as the one I read in April. I've been doing Series Thoughts videos on manga series I've completed recently and am not sure if I want to wrap up the individual volumes I read in May or if I should wait to do Series Thoughts on those once I finish those series. If you have a preference, let me know below! Tim's channel (World of Sleuths) World of Sleuths Goodreads Group
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