Books: My Thoughts on Sorcery of Thorns

Sorcery of Thorns Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

More like a 3.5

This book was very slow to start for me. By the end, my thoughts on this book were definitely more positive and I can say that I enjoyed portions of this story. For me, Elisabeth was not a character I could get behind unfortunately. I was much more interested in Silas and his relationship with Nathaniel.

I think I would've enjoyed this story much more if it was from Nathaniel's point of view and covered his relationship to Silas from before and all the way through the events of this book. It also helped that as a character, Silas reminded me a lot of Sebastian from the manga Black Butler, Vol. 1, a series I really enjoy.

There are things that I still question about how things played out in the end, but I think the book did have a satisfying ending. I don't read a lot of fantasy so maybe I didn't enjoy it as much because it's not a genre for me, or maybe the hype around this book caused me to have expectations that were too high. In any case, I am glad that I read this one and I do think that I will try something else by this author in the future.

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