Disis19 Diaries: June 25-July 1 | 2023 - June Wrap Up 4

Welcome to my June reading and crafting vlog! I've decided to rename these Disis19 Diaries, because that's what these videos really are - diary entries as opposed to following me around while I do things. This vlog will encompass my reads during the week and my results for the Manga Pride Readathon.


The (Pet) Detective Agency by noji
Glass Syndrome by Eiko Aiki
The Flower That Seems to Truly Dance by Saki Tsukahara
The Snake Who Loved a Sparrow by Nna Natsuo
Cherry Magic Volumes 1-4 by Yuu Toyota
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend (Ghost Hunter Mysteries 2) by Victoria Laurie


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