Rotating Decks TBR Game | December 2021

It's time for round 9 of Rotating Decks, my TBR Game where I have UNO cards help me pick prompts to build my monthly TBR. December will be full of Christmas cozies and a few other reads including my #Book1CoziesClub and Monochrome Manga Club selections. I do plan on participating in The Festive Readathon and 25 Days of Manga along with my own Manga Advent Calendar project. I also let you know how I did on my prompts from November.

Links after the break
Rotating Decks TBR Playlist:

Series First Impressions | Solo Leveling (Light Novel, Audiobook, and Manhwa):

#Book1CoziesClub Series First Impressions | Guidebook to Murder (Tourist Trap Mysteries):

Chapter by Chapter playlist for Guidebook to Murder:

The Festive Readathon Announcement hosted by Steph Loves:

25 Days of Manga Announcement from ShaeGeeksOut:

My Manga Advent Calendar Project:


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