Let's Make Friends Tag

I was tagged by Jenaya at Live a Thousand Lives to do her Original Tag! If you'd like to do this tag, please do! I've left the questions and rules from Jenaya down below and if you do the tag, please let me know so I can watch it ^-^

Links after the break
Jenaya's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuahnY-_hIA&t=252s

1. Watch the videos (of this tag) until the end!
2. If you have stuff in common comment and subscribe
3. Tag me when you do the tag so I can come support you
4. Tag 3 smaller book tubers (under 1000) and 3 bigger book tubers (over 1000) You can do more, but at least do 3 each!

About Me:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sign
4. Fav color
5. Fav Hobbies (Besides reading and writing)
6. Fav Ice cream

Bookish Questions:
1. Fav Genre (choose at least 3)
2. Least Fav Genre ( Don't go above 3)
3. Fav book/series (Choose 3)
4. Least fav book (3 or less)
5. Do you DNF Books?
6. Ebook or audiobook
7. Favorite bookish memory
8. Favorite Troupe?
9. Least Fav. Troupe?
10. Bookish goal for the rest of the year?
11. Recommend a book you think people should read, but not many have heard of.

Series First Impressions | Solo Leveling (Light Novel, Audiobook, and Manhwa): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrN0ZU5KOp8&t=438s


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