Books: My Thoughts on Slashing Through the Snow (Christmas Tree Farm Mystery #3)

Slashing Through the Snow (Christmas Tree Farm)Slashing Through the Snow by Jacqueline Frost
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

More like a 2.5

For me, this was my least favorite of the 3 installments. Some things were too predictable and for some reason our main character seemed very childish, almost like she was throwing a tantrum every time she was told to stop snooping. I did listen to the audiobook as I had the previous installments, but I don't remember her being as irritating in those. Not sure if it was just the narration or if the character comes across the same in the text, but it definitely hindered my enjoyment of this installment.

I was so looking forward to this installment, especially since there was such a long break between the second and third book, but unfortunately this one was just ok for me.

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