Finished Series: My Thoughts on Rich People Problems (Crazy Rich Asians #3)

Rich People Problems Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this series more than I thought I would've. I had avoided this series for so long due to hype, but there are definitely things that resonated with me and things I could relate to. The struggle of trying to live your life honestly and not understanding why that brings dishonor or shame to your family was a big one.

There were things that bothered me though, which is why this series doesn't get the highest possible rating for me. There is a lot of spousal abuse mentioned that I was not okay with - not physical, but emotional and verbal. Vulgar language plays a big part in several conversations. Cheating spouses also is a prominent theme in this series.

I listened to a majority of this series on audiobook and I highly recommend them. They are entertaining, enjoyable, and just give a life to this story and the characters that I wasn't getting when reading the physical book.

View all my reviews


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