Knitting: Bakery Bears Sock Box Project | Blizzard Socks (Pair 1)

Heel flap on my first Blizzard sock is done! Not gonna lie - I totally thought my contrast yarn was a dark navy blue LOL It wasn't until I took this pic that I see that it's a gorgeous green! That's what I get for only working on the sock at night in bad lighting. It's ok though. Being that there are Christmas trees on the leg of this sock, it is still on theme ^-^

This will be my first in my Bakery Bears Sock Box Project for 2019. I didn't want to commit to a Make 9 project, but I have almost all of Kay Jones' sock patterns and thought it would be a nice and doable project for the year. I don't believe Kay has 12 sock patterns out right now, but I'm hoping she'll release a couple more during the year. If not, I'll just double up on the patterns she has released so I'll have 12 pairs by the end of the year.


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