Books: My 2018 in Books

My 2018 in books! Click the link here to see more. I'm not surprised that the least popular book I read (meaning has the least amount of people who read it, not the lowest rated) is a manga. It usually is!

This is not quite right though, because my last review of the year was for We Wish You a Murderous Christmas and not A Christmas Journey. If it were correct though, you wouid see that the first book I read and the last book I read in 2018 were from the same series. Pretty cool.

Another interesting thing is that I don't think I gave out very many 5 star ratings in 2018. I don't see any highlighted on this page at least. I'll have to go through my list to see for sure, but I don't know if that means if I'm being more critical about giving out 5 star ratings, or if I just really didn't have any books that I loved last year. I know I really liked a lot of the books I read though, which is great!

ETA: Of the 100 books, 51 were volumes of manga and 49 were novels.


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