Finished Series: My Thoughts on Bits & Pieces (Rot and Ruin #5)

Bits & Pieces Bits & Pieces by Jonathan Maberry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I so wish I read these short stories along side the novels. It has been a while since I read the series and getting back into this world was interesting. Most of the stories in this collection didn't add anything to the world or story for me after finishing the series. While we do get to see some of the characters we're familiar with, we see a lot that are new - at least I don't remember them. I do wish there were more stories about the time when First Night happened and how the towns were created. While there is a story on how Tom survived First Night, I think I would really appreciate a full length prequel novel about him as well.

I unfortunately don't believe short stories are for me. That is the reason I haven't read very many in the past and this experience does make that belief seem valid. Though I didn't enjoy this collection as much as the series, I am excited to re-visit this world in the next series.

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