Finished Series: Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3)

Clockwork Princess Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

As with the previous two books in this trilogy, I read this one with my friend Shannon. I think of the three books, this one is the one I liked the best. The story definitely moved faster and I was more interested in what was going on. That being said, I can't give it a higher rating as I do not see myself ever re-reading this book or this trilogy. I had so many issues with the love triangle and the way things conveniently happened. There were some inconsistencies between books as well, which truthfully, I may not have noticed had I not read the books consecutively.

I have to wonder if I were younger when I read this, would that have made a difference in my thoughts? Would the things that bothered me about this trilogy have bothered me 10 or more years ago? I don't know. The constant references to classic novels as well is confusing, especially if you haven't read those novels prior to reading this.

I definitely enjoyed connecting characters in The Mortal Instruments to their ancestors here. The Epilogue was by far my favorite part of this book. It's something we don't get all the time - the ability to be able to check in with characters we've followed in a series years after their story and see how they all end up. I will admit there was a scene there that brought a tear to my eye and I'm not much of a crier when it comes to books or TV shows.

I do wonder about why certain things were told to us in this book that don't connect to or seem to have any relevance to things here, but they probably do in the latter three Mortal Instruments books, which I have not read yet. I am excited to get to those books and connect those dots, but I'm also looking forward to being back in that world as this one wasn't as enjoyable for me.

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