Books: July Reading Challenges Wrap Up

This update is super late this month, but I'm finally going to update you on how I did with my reading challenges in July.

#RockMyTBR - For this challenge, I set a goal for myself to read at least one book off my physical TBR every month. In addition to this list, I want to read one book from Kindle Unlimited to make sure I'm making use of that service. I did end up cancelling my Scribd membership. After a couple months of paused membership with them, I unfortunately did not miss having access to their offerings. The books I read for this challenge are as follows:
  • The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia #7) by C.S. Lewis - Buddy read with Lee at
  • Better Read Than Dead (Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye #2) by Victoria Laurie
  • Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
As you can see, I did not accomplish reading a book from Kindle Unlimited in July, so I really need to make sure I fulfill that challenge in August.

#FinishingtheSeries - For this challenge, I set a goal for myself to complete or become current on 3-6 series during the year. I am not counting series I start and finish in 2016 until I finish the initial 6. These are the books I read towards this challenge in July:

  • The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia #7) by C.S. Lewis
  • Better Read Than Dead (Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye #2) by Victoria Laurie
  • Fairy Tail Volumes 29 & 30 by Hiro Mashima
  • Blue Exorcist Volumes 3 & 4 by Kazue Kato
  • Red River Volumes 10-12 by Chie Shinohara
As you can see, I did complete a series this month, but I am not counting it towards my goal, as it is one that I both started and completed in 2016. That being said, I am still doing well with this challenge and as of the date of this post, I have already completed the challenge. You will see what my sixth completed/up to date series is next month ^_-

By the end of July, I have read 40 novels among the mountains of manga I've consumed this year. This leaves me with 12 novels to read to reach my goal of 52 by the end of the year, which shouldn't be a problem at all. I will be adjusting my Goodreads challenge to reflect these additional novels, as I have been for the last couple months.

Let me know how you've been doing with your reading challenges! I hope you are all doing great!

Until Next Time, Take Care & Smi-Le Always

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