Books: My Thoughts on Vanishing Girls

Vanishing GirlsVanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ebook, 357 pages
Read from Scribd

Read as part of the Read Your E-Reader Read-a-thon. I read this to complete the challenges of reading a book I most recently downloaded and a book that's outside my comfort zone.

This was a spontaneous buddy read with my friend Raul (latinlector on BookTube). We've been buddy reading the Benny Imura series by Jonathan Maberry for a few months now. He started reading this and needed to discuss the book with someone, so I said why not. I don't read very many contemporary novels so this was a good opportunity to try something different. Also, I have never read a book by Lauren Oliver, so that was another plus even though I had never intended on reading this book before he mentioned it.

I'm happy to say that I'm very glad he did nudge me to read this because I really enjoyed this book. The writing style was very easy to get into and the story intrigued me. The splattering of social media interactions throughout the story was interesting as well.

My only complaint with this is that the timeline jumps from past to present and back. Truthfully, I didn't always pay attention to where we were at the beginning of the chapter and only paid attention to who's point of view we were in. This ended up being helpful to me in the end I think, because I didn't see the twist coming. If I did pay attention a bit better, I would've probably figured it out sooner.

If you like books with twists in it, I would highly recommend this one. Needless to say, I will definitely be checking out some of the author's other work in the future.

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