Books: March Mystery Madness Starts Today!

If you don't know about March Mystery Madness, it's a month long read-a-thon where we will be focusing on reading mystery novels. This read-a-thon is being hosted by LizziefayeLovesBooks and Troi Towel. You can see their announcement videos here and here for more information. There is also a Goodreads Group here.

There are nine challenges which you can opt to complete during the month, and they are as follows:

  1. Read a food/craft/hobby cozy mystery
  2. Read a mystery in which the main sleuth or detective is a person of color
  3. Read an Agatha Christie novel or one of the following Edgar Allen Poe short stories:
    • The Murders in the Rue Morgue
    • The Mystery of Marie Roget
    • The Purloined Letter
  4. Read a True Crime novel
  5. Read a paranormal mystery
  6. Read a pet mystery
  7. "Take a journey" and read a mystery set in a different part of the world from where you live
  8. Read an amateur sleuth mystery where the detective is a kid or teen
  9. Read 8 books. If you combine challenges, then read any type of mystery you want in order to reach this total
I will be participating this month, though I am not creating a TBR for this read-a-thon. I am too much of a mood reader and I have several options available for each challenge, so I want to keep my options open. Below is a sampling for what I'm thinking about to fulfill the challenges:

I will not be starting right away as I had buddy reads with Lee ( and Raul (LatinLector) already scheduled before I found out about this event. I am looking forward to getting back into my cozy mysteries in particular as I feel like I've not been giving them enough attention as of late. Especially because I have so many sitting on my shelf!

I will be posting my progress here as well as on my Twitter using #MarchMysteryMadness if you want to follow along. Let me know if you'll be participating as well. I hope you are all doing great!

Until next time, Take Care & Smi-Le Always!

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