Books: February Wrap Up including #Rainbowthon 2.0

I completed a buddy read, a group read, and one read-a-thon in February. Eight books in total, though the picture above only shows 7 *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`)

I opted not to put Goodreads links to the books mentioned this time. Let me know if that is something you would like me to continue doing. If so, I will edit this post with the linkies later. You can also find my written reviews on these books in previous posts, if you're interested.

Lee's channel ( here

#Rainbowthon 2.0 was hosted by Lainey (GingerReadsLainey) among others. Lainey's channel here

I read Shadowland with Laura's Goodreads Group, Read with mom2triplets04. Her channel is here

Blanket shown in opener and closer was hand knit by me


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