Books: My Thoughts on Flesh & Bone (Benny Imura #3) by Jonathan Maberry

Flesh & Bone Flesh & Bone by Jonathan Maberry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Probably more like a 4.5 but I need to think on it a bit. Buddy read this with the same friend I've buddy read the first two installments with. More thoughts later...

So, after some thought, I do have to say that I did not enjoy this installment as much as the first two. That's not to say that this book wasn't as entertaining as the prior two. It definitely started out with a bang and kept my interest throughout. I just had some issues with Nix's behavior at many times in this book, which took away some of the enjoyment for me. True, she did started showing this behavior in the prior book, but it wasn't to the extent as it was in this book.

We do get a cameo of a character from a different series the author writes, which I thought was interesting. Of course, I didn't put it together until it was revealed who the character was because I have not read that series yet. Again, I enjoyed the Zombie Cards depicted at the end of the book.

One more installment to go and I'm excited to see how the series comes to an end. So far, this has been quite a ride.

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