Books: February Reading Challenges Wrap-Up

I mentioned in my January Wrap Up video how I did that month as far as my reading challenges went. This month, I thought I'd post about how I did instead of including it in my video (which should be up tonight hopefully). This is going to be very simplistic, showing just the challenge banner and the books I read towards that challenge. You can find my thoughts for books mentioned in past blog posts, on my Goodreads, or in my Wrap Up video. Here we go!

#RockMyTBR is a challenge where I should read at least one book off my physical shelf. I expanded this challenge to include at least one book/audiobook from Scribd or Kindle Unlimited.

The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia #1) by C.S. Lewis in Chronological Order

Shattered (Sevens #1) by Scott Wallens

Exposed (Sevens #2) by Scott Wallens

Pushed (Sevens #3) by Scott Wallens

Meltdown (Sevens #4) by Scott Wallens

Timeline by Michael Crichton
Read physical copy and listened to audiobook from Scribd

Hidden Wings (Hidden Wings #1) by Cameo Renae
Read from Kindle Unlimited

Shadowland (Mediator #1) by Jenny Carroll (Meg Cabot)


For this challenge, I am striving to complete between 3 and 6 series this year. These are the books that I'm attributing towards this challenge, in addition to the Sevens series books above:

Black Bird #13 by Kanoko Sakurakoji

Assassination Classroom #2 by Yusei Matsui

Hayate X Blade Vol 6 by Shizuru Hayashiya


If you're participating in either of these challenges, please let me know! Also let me know if you would prefer that I add links to the books on Goodreads,

I hope you are all doing great and until next time...

Take Care & Smi-Le Always

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