Books: My Thoughts on Murder in the Family

Murder in the Family Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm not sure that books in formats like this are for me. I didn't enjoy the experience of reading the transcripts, articles, forum posts, etc. I also read this on my very old E-ink Kindle and the graphics for the things outside the transcript were very hard to read. The graphics weren't crisp which also didn't help the reading experience. I'm sure it would be much nicer from a physical copy.

I do think that this would work better as an actual TV show for me, but the reading experience was not very captivating. Also, toward the end when things actually started to be revealed, we ended up with a lot of unnecessary drama and things were done just for the ratings of their show. I did not enjoy how that all went down.

I am willing to try something else by this author, provided that is not presented in a multimedia format like this one, but this one was a bit of a miss for me.

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