Books: My Thoughts on The Ghoul Next Door (Ghost Hunter Mysteries 8)

The Ghoul Next Door: A Ghost Hunter Mystery The Ghoul Next Door: A Ghost Hunter Mystery by Victoria Laurie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ten years later, my rating has not changed. I never notated my thoughts on my first readthrough though so I'm documenting now.

Enjoyed unraveling the mystery of this one, but I could pass on the relationship drama. It seems all our main characters were having relationship drama in this installment and that is not something I enjoy. I don't particularly care for what happened in regards to Steven either. He was never my favorite character to begin with though.

The mystery was very interesting though and gave an edge of creepiness and suspense. Really enjoyed the investigation and am looking forward to my re-read of the next one.

View all my reviews


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