Books: My Thoughts on Find Him Where You Left Him Dead (Death Games 1)

Find Him Where You Left Him Dead Find Him Where You Left Him Dead by Kristen Simmons
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was entertaining for me but it didn't really grab me. I read about half from the ebook and listened to the other half. Neither experience was better or worse than the other for me, but I think I expected a bit more from this. It started out pretty good for me, but I soon found myself scanning pages instead of actually reading them when I was reading from the ebook. That is never a good sign for me.

The twist at the end wasn't very surprising for me. At this point, I'm not sure that I will be continuing with this series. I'm not saying that I won't, but this isn't a series where I'll be waiting for the next installment to come out because I need to know what happens next.

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