Disis19 Diaries: October 1-7 | 2023 - October Wrap Up 1, Mostly Ghostly Update, and a Really Bad Week

Welcome to my October reading and crafting vlog! I've decided to rename these Disis19 Diaries, because that's what these videos really are - diary entries as opposed to following me around while I do things. This vlog will encompass my thoughts on my reads of October, participating in the Camp Crystal Lake Readathon, the Spookoplathon, Hallowtween, and the Manga Freakathon.


Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls (Ghost Hunter Mysteries 5) by Victoria Laurie
Ghostly Things Volumes 1-3 by Ushio Shirotori
In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories retold by Alvin Schwartz, illustrated by Dirk Zimmer
In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories retold by Alvin Schwartz, illustrated by Victor Rivas
If Witch, then Which? Volumes 1-3 by Ato Sakurai


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