Books: My Thoughts on Date Me, Bryson Keller

Date Me, Bryson KellerDate Me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was enjoyable, but the similarities to Seven Days: Monday–Sunday were very noticeable. I would consider this a re-telling of that story as the main premise is the same but there are differences. Not sure that I am comfortable with a re-telling of the story coming out not very many years after the story, which was eventually referenced as inspiration by the author, was published. I definitely recommend that you read Seven Days before reading this.

I did listen to this on audio and I enjoyed the narration. The feel of this was very similar to what Seven Days gives but to be truthful, I enjoy Seven Days a lot more. This was an entertaining read, but I am conflicted because of issues that have been presented regarding the author not initially acknowledging the inspiration from Seven Days. I'm also conflicted because I feel like not enough time has gone by for a re-telling of a story to be released.

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