Books: My Thoughts on The Hobbit

The Hobbit The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

After several attempts to read this during my lifetime, I can finally say that I have read this book. I listened to some of it on audio and could've done without the singing (I'm pretty sure all the songs had the same melody too). I had always thought that The Hobbit was the story of how Bilbo acquired The Ring, but it wasn't until I saw the movie trilogy that I realized there was more.

This book was different than the movies, as they usually are, but unfortunately I have to say that (and I know this will be an unpopular opinion) I enjoyed the movies more. Even though there are some unnecessary differences in the movies, I will watch those again and again but I will probably not ever re-read this book. I am looking forward to seeing how I feel about The Lord of the Rings trilogy, as I will be picking up The Fellowship of the Ring next month.

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