Books: My Thoughts on Through the Grinder (Coffeehouse Mystery 2)

Through the Grinder Through the Grinder by Cleo Coyle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

More like a 2.5

This one was just ok for me. I knew from the first chapter if the language in that chapter was going to continue throughout the book, it was going to be a rough one for me. Certain words were used too many times and it just felt excessive.

There is a scene in this book that involves speed dating that I did not enjoy at all. Clare's thoughts on one of the people she meets there really made me mad, to the point that I almost DNF'd the book right there. I had issues with a few other things that occurred in this one as well and I may stop reading the series here. I haven't decided yet, but that is how much things in this installment bothered me. So disappointed as I really enjoy the descriptions of the coffees and the recipes, but I don't think that I'll be able to forget my thoughts on this installment to be able to enjoy the sequels.

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