Finished Series: My Thoughts on Corpse Party: Blood Covered, Vol. 5

Corpse Party: Blood Covered, Vol. 5Corpse Party: Blood Covered, Vol. 5 by Makoto Kedouin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting story. I think this story would've worked better for me as a light novel as opposed to a manga though. Some of the scenes were very gruesome and I found myself glancing over panels instead of really looking at them. It was hard enough for me to re-read the first volume this year when I decided to finally read this series to completion as I had remembered clearly the demise of one of the characters.

I had figured out one part of the mystery early on and that brought the suspense level down a bit for me. There was a bit of fan service that I didn't appreciate though I think it was supposed to help alleviate some of the depressing situations that were occurring. The end of this story included a tidbit that I didn't find necessary to the story of this group though I did appreciate catching up with them in the aftermath. I presume the very end leads into the sequel story, which I do have and will probably be reading shortly.

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