Books: My Thoughts on The Evil Queen (Forest of Good & Evil #1)

The Evil Queen The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

More like a 4.5

I don't know why I didn't think I was going to enjoy this very much! Maybe it's because my history with fairy tale re-tellings hasn't been great? I've tried a few and something about them just didn't work for me, but this one definitely did.

I wouldn't say this story grabbed me from the start though. I definitely had issues with Everly, especially in the beginning. Also, communication issues is very much a reason why certain things occur in this story, and that's something that is starting to bother me a lot in general. I guess I've just been reading a lot of stories recently where incidents occur because information is held back or there's no communication between the characters.

Once things got out in the open and communication was better between the characters, this story really grabbed me. I read the last third of the book in one day, I was so engrossed in what was going on. The mystery of which fairy tale character each person represented was definitely interesting as well. Another thing that I appreciate is that even though this story does continue in subsequent installments, this one didn't leave me with a cliffhanger and the need to know what is going to happen next immediately.

This was my first book by this author and I'm not only looking forward to more in this series, but I'm also looking forward to reading more of her work.

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