Finished Series: My Thoughts on The Gentlemen's Alliance †, Vol. 11

The Gentlemen's Alliance †, Vol. 11 The Gentlemen's Alliance †, Vol. 11 by Arina Tanemura
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed my re-read of this series! There are still a couple of questions in regards to the family things, but overall this still remains a favorite series of mine. That's surprising in itself since I don't usually enjoy contemporary type stories. This is just a story about a group of highschoolers and their relationships with one another, which couldn't be farther from the types of things I normally read. This story works for me though and it's one I've read through twice now so that's saying something.

It's so nice to come back to a series after not visiting it for several years, and still enjoy it as much as I did when I read it the first time. Arina Tanemura's art styles is one of my favorites, and I can't wait to read through other series of hers.

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