Books: My Thoughts on Red Rising (Red Rising #1) by Pierce Brown

Red Rising (Red Rising, #1)Red Rising by Pierce Brown

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Truthfully this is somewhere between 3.5 and 4 stars for me. I'm going to be honest and say that I really did not start enjoying this book until the half way mark. The very beginning was interesting, but I lost interest after the first 7 chapters. It really wasn't until the plan was starting to be put into action did I start to become invested in the story.

As I read, I had a hard time remembering that the book is supposed to take place on Mars, as the scenery reminds me of Scotland. Probably didn't help that I also listened to a chunk of this on audiobook and the narrator has a slight Scottish accent. That actually helped with the appeal of the story for me, so not a complaint at all.

I will be continuing with the series and am interested to see how Darrow's strategy plays out in the next installment.

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