Books: My Thoughts on The Boyfriend Subscription

The Boyfriend Subscription The Boyfriend Subscription by Steven Salvatore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An entertaining and easy read. It's been a very long time since I've watched Pretty Woman, so I only recognize the general references, but I definitely enjoyed this couple.

For me, the amount of times the POV changes was a bit too much. I did listen to this on audio, so having the dual voices helped, but the POV changes several times in each chapter. I believe this is why the chapters felt a bit choppy.

I really would've liked to see this story stretch out over a longer period of time. I'm not sure I'm convinced of how deep their feelings are with how short of a time the story takes place in. That being said, even with the minor unhappiness I had with something that happens towards the end, I still really enjoyed spending time with these characters.

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