Disis19 Diaries: January 22-28 | 2023 - January Wrap Up 4, a New Knitting Project, and a Wax Haul

Welcome to my January reading and crafting vlog! I've decided to rename these Disis19 Diaries, because that's what these videos really are - diary entries as opposed to following me around while I do things. This vlog will encompass what I finished reading in January. There's a little bit of knitting and a wax haul in this one as well ^-^ 


Fruits Basket, Volume 9 by Natsuki Takaya

Blue Exorcist, Volumes 20-22 by Kazue Kato

Wax haul from Otaku Scents

2018 Yarn Advent Calendar from Pineapple Yarns

Flax Light pattern from Tin Can Knits - free on Ravelry

Jelly Roll Blanket pattern from Kay Jones of the Bakery Bears Podcast - paid for pattern


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