Rotating Decks TBR Game | May 2021

It's time for another round of Rotating Decks, my TBR game where I have UNO cards help me choose my prompts to build my TBR for the month. My game is based on a combination of the TBR Games from oceanreads and Writer of Wild Words who are linked below. 

I will be doing a personal manga reading challenge in the month of May. The goal is to read as much manga as I can in the month, or at least more volumes than I had read to date this year. If you'd like to join in, please do! If you'd like to see my progress during the month or if you'd like to participate, be sure to use and follow #maymangamadness

Links after the break.
Rotating Decks TBR Game | April 2021:

oceanreads Court of Cards:

Writer of Wild Words Uno Picks My TBR:


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