Books: My Thoughts on Luck of the Titanic

Luck of the Titanic Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't read many historicals, but if you set a book on the Titanic, I am immediately intrigued. When I found out about this book and that it was from an Asian point of view, that made it a must read for me. This was my first read of a book from this author and I thought the writing style was very easy to read and get into.

While I did enjoy this one as a whole, there were definite things I didn't enjoy including how the main character reacted to certain things within this book. I did however, enjoy several of the other characters we meet. As we get closer to the time the ship hits the iceberg, I became very invested in the characters and I couldn't put the book down. I wondered if any of them would perish or if they would survive. I wondered where and how this story would end. When I got there, I was definitely surprising and unexpected and even after turning the last page, I am still wondering about certain characters.

I was very glad for the Author's note in the back  and I definitely want to learn more about the survivors that inspired this story.

Thank you very much to G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss for providing me with an advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review. This does not in any way affect my thoughts on this book.

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