
Showing posts from January, 2020

Books: My Thoughts on Emerald Isle (Stacy Justice #4)

Emerald Isle by Barbra Annino My rating: 4 of 5 stars This one was my favorite of the series so far! The quest aspect was very interesting and the events in this installment fulfilled what I felt had been missing from the series. Really looking forward to see where the series goes after the events in this book! View all my reviews

#Book1CoziesClub Series First Impressions | Murder in Her Stocking (Gran...

Find out what I thought about the first book in the Granny Reid Mystery Series by G.A. McKevett and if I will be continuing to read this series! This was the #Book1CoziesClub selection for December 2019. Mentions: Elizabeth's channel (Lizzyfayelovesbooks) Mystery Madness Goodreads Group Mystery Madness Twitter

Books: My Thoughts on The Exiled Queen (Seven Realms #2)

The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima My rating: 4 of 5 stars The story in this installment moved much faster than the previous installment and I enjoyed it a lot more. Since I was buddy reading this with a friend, we had a set reading schedule and I'm happy to say that there were actually points in this story where I wanted to continue reading past what I was supposed to for the night. That did not happen in the first book unfortunately, so I'm very happy that I'm enjoying this story a lot more now and am looking forward to continuing this journey. View all my reviews

Manga: My Thoughts on Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea

Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea by Mogeko My rating: 4 of 5 stars Read for my IRL Manga Club. I enjoyed this read, however I do wish they released more of the story. Now I need to go look for the game so I can get answers to questions I have. I also feel like they left quite a bit up in the air with this release which is a little frustrating. That being said, the art style is super cute and I will definitely read this again. View all my reviews

Finished Series: My Thoughts on Memories of Tomorrow (Nameless #6)

Memories of Tomorrow by Dean Koontz My rating: 4 of 5 stars I really enjoyed this series. We finally we get some background on Nameless, but I feel like there's so much more that could be told with that. I feel a sense of closure for sure, but I would love to have more about the organization and how everyone came to work for the organization. Should the author decide to release more books in this series in the future, I'll definitely be reading them. I listened to all of the books in this series on audio and really enjoyed the narration. Will definitely be listening to more by the narrator and checking out more books by the author. View all my reviews

My 2019 Reading Stats

Sharing with you my 2019 reading stats both from Goodreads and some stats I collected on my own! If you would like to know anything else about my reading that I didn't share in the video, please let me know. Also, if there is something that you think I should track in 2020, let me know that as well! I've been toying with the idea of collecting the general genre and star ratings also, but haven't decided yet. Check out Shannon's blog !

Books: My Thoughts on The Mercy of Snakes (Nameless #5)

The Mercy of Snakes by Dean Koontz My rating: 4 of 5 stars More like a 3.5 I didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous ones, but it was still an entertaining listen. I'm still very interested in the organization and the visions Nameless is having. Hope we get some answers soon! View all my reviews

Books: My Thoughts on Red Rain (Nameless #4)

Red Rain by Dean Koontz My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is definitely one of those series that you don't have to read in order, at least up to this point. Not sure what the following volumes will bring but I am really enjoying the journey. I've listened to all of these on audio so far and the narration is great! View all my reviews

Books: My Thoughts on The Praying Mantis Bride (Nameless #3)

The Praying Mantis Bride by Dean Koontz My rating: 4 of 5 stars Continuing to enjoy this series. Really liked the twist at the end of this one! View all my reviews

Books: My Thoughts on Photographing the Dead (Nameless #2)

Photographing the Dead by Dean Koontz My rating: 4 of 5 stars Really loving these bite sized thrillers! This one had an interesting conclusion. I'm diving right into the next one. View all my reviews

Finished Series: My Thoughts on A Shiver of Light (Merry Gentry #9)

A Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton My rating: 3 of 5 stars More like a 2.5 I don't feel like anything really happened in this installment. There were things that occurred that I don't feel were necessary to the story. Things happened in the last couple chapters that I have questions on weren't explained and I feel like the ending was very rushed. Am I glad I read this last volume to complete the series? Yes. Could I have done without reading this last volume though? Yes. Being away from this series and these characters for eight years didn't hinder my reading experience of this book, but I do definitely feel like I could've lived with how the eighth installment ended and not have read this book. I think I would've much preferred a novella including the events in the last couple chapters of this book, but that answered the questions that arose due to those events. Overall, I did enjoy this series as a whole and will be di...