Books: My Thoughts on The 7th Victim (Karen Vail #1)

The 7th Victim The 7th Victim by Alan Jacobson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Interesting, very interesting. I read this for #MarchMysteryMadness

I've had this book on Kindle for a very long time. I picked it up free but never read it, so March Mystery Madness was the perfect time to dust it off. There were a couple twists in this book that I didn't see coming and the twist at the end was super surprising. You learn a lot about Karen throughout this book too.

This book does contain more gruesome crime scenes and violence than I'm used to reading, but it's not unfamiliar for me as I do watch shows like Criminal Minds which contain similar themes. I listened to a majority of this on audiobook and thought the narrator did a good job. I'll definitely be checking out other books in this series in the future.

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