Books: My Thoughts on Jaws

Jaws Jaws by Peter Benchley
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was so fascinated by Meg that I thought I should probably check out this book. Yes, I've seen the movie, but I was still curious about the source material especially because I don't quite remember everything from the film. This one was available to stream for free through Audible for Prime Members so I thought, why not.

It's been a while since I've seen the film, though I can say that when I watched it, I did think it was scary. I was a child when I watched it and as an adult, I don't think the movie will give me the same chilling feeling I had then. This book surely was not anything like I expected, and not in a positive way.

The use of vulgar language and a derogatory word right off the bat did not help matters for me. The writing style didn't agree with me and the story itself was very dated. The descriptions of the attacks were not chilling or suspenseful to me and the end was very anticlimactic. There was also a story line in this book that I felt was entirely pointless. It added nothing to the story and I would've appreciated more about the shark or have scenes in the story from the shark's point of view.

In the end, I am glad I finally read this book, but I will probably not be reading any more by this author in the future.

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