Books: My Thoughts on The Bat (Harry Hole #1)

The Bat The Bat by Jo Nesbø
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I saw the trailer for the upcoming movie The Snowman and looked up the book it was based on, only to find out it's the seventh book in this series. I don't read series out of order and since the movie looked interesting, I thought I'd check this series out.

For me, this book was good but not very enjoyable. It didn't seem like anything really exciting happened and the investigation dragged. Harry gets intoxicated quite a bit in this book (which I understand is part of his character, but it doesn't make him a likeable or interesting person to me as a reader) and there's a fair bit of foul language. The end was poetic, though I believe it was unrealistic.

I did find it a bit strange that we start this series not in the main character's home land, but in a different country entirely, though I did enjoy the Australian backdrop. I did read the snippet for the next book that was included at the end of this one. It looks like that one is set in another country and I and am interested, so I will be giving this series another chance to impress me.

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