Books: My Thoughts on P.S. I Love You

P.S. I Love You P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really don't know what took me so long to read this book! You would not believe how long I’ve had it sitting on my shelf. I originally bought it because I saw the movie, not realizing it was based on a book. Of course, once I found out, I immediately went to purchase a copy of the book and then I let it sit on my shelf for ages. I think part of my hesitation in reading this was because I had enjoyed the movie so much. I know the saying is that the book is always better than the movie, but over the last year, I have found that not to be 100% true, at least in my case. I am very happy to say that this book was so much better than the movie!

I am so glad that I was able to buddy read this with a friend. You really go through a roller coaster of emotions as you follow Holly trying to cope with the death of her husband. You can feel Holly's pain and the grief she carries, but you also get flashbacks of her husband Gerry and their relationship before and during his illness. Not only do we get Holly's perspective, but we get to know Gerry as a live person and we get a glimpse into what motivated each letter. Having those moments made the story feel complete for me.

We also see Holly's interactions with her friends and family and how Gerry's loss not only is affecting her, but them as well, even though she doesn't see that they're grieving too. These little realizations come in all the way through the story and really add to Holly as a character and the relationships she has with the other people in her life. There are conversations that Holly has with her friends and family that really put into perspective both sides of the situation. I could really understand where both parties were coming from and these conversations were heart wrenching for me to read. I have said before that I am not a very emotional reader. Though I did not shed a tear while reading this, there were moments that were painful to read because the situation just felt so real.

This was the first book that I have read by this author. I have a couple of her other books and definitely look forward to reading them, especially after the experience I had reading this one. Highly recommended!

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