Books: March Mystery Madness Challenges Announcement

March Mystery Madness starts a little over a week from now! If you are a part of our Mystery Madness Goodreads Group, you have already seen the threads, but if you aren't a part of the group yet, here are the challenges that we have for the month of March. Hopefully these will help you put together your To Read list for the month, if you don't already have a few books lined up already! Most of these are self-explainatory, but if you have any questions, please let me know.
  1. True Crime or Thriller
  2. Classic Mystery - any mystery published before 1967 counts!
  3. First in a Series or Sequel - start a new mystery series or read a sequel in one you have already started. If you are participating in #Book1CoziesClub any of those selections counts for this too!
  4. New To You Author
  5. Paranormal or Futuristic Mystery
  6. Kid or Youth Detective
  7. Diverse Character - read a mystery with a character that has a different background than you. This includes race, sexuality, religion, etc. We'll leave this up to your own personal interpretation.
  8. Cozy Mystery - again, #Book1CoziesClub selections are a fit for this challenge!
  9. Read 8 Bonus - complete 8 mysteries in the month of March
So, those are the challenges we have for this round of #MarchMysteryMadness and I hope you will be joining us. We will also be hosting a giveaway at the end of March. There are two ways to gain entries into the giveaway and each person can gain a maximum of two entries. The first is to create a TBR and either tweet it to us or post it in the TBR Thread in our Goodreads Group. The second way is to create a post in our Finishing Line thread in our Goodreads Troup. This entry can only be earned in the Goodreads Group. After you finish each book, note it in your personal Finish Line post. You don't need to post each time you finish a book. Just update your post every time you finish a book.

I hope to interact with you either in our Goodreads Group or on our Twitter page! We are planning to host some reading sprints there, so if you would like to take part in those, please follow us. Our sprint schedule will be announced soon. Please also subscribe to my co-hosts channels, LizzyfayeLovesBooks and Troi Towel for other announcements. Let me know if you have any questions and if you are planning on joining us in March.

Until Next Time, Take Care & Smi-Le Always!

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P.S. Go check out my co-host Troi's blog post here for some extra fun challenge descriptions!


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