Books: My Thoughts on Rescuing Titanic: A true story of quiet bravery in the North Atlantic

Rescuing Titanic: A true story of quiet bravery in the North Atlantic Rescuing Titanic: A true story of quiet bravery in the North Atlantic by Flora Delargy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this. I don't read a lot of children's books but the topic of this one really caught my attention. I have watched a lot of documentaries on Titanic, but I've never watched anything from the perspective of the Carpathia, who came to rescue the survivors of the sinking. This book provides that perspective.

The story is told in a way that is easy enough for children to understand, but still interesting enough for an adult to read. I loved the illustrations and the art style and am really looking forward to more of what the Hidden Histories series has to offer in the future.

I did receive an Advanced Reader Copy from the publisher through Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review. This in no way affects my thoughts on this book, just so you know.

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