Yarnie Update 13 | May 2020

I have a lot of things to share in this episode! Links as follows:
~ Works in Progress ~

All is Calm Umbrella Socks for Mom: https://ravel.me/disis19/xjidgp

Tiny Windows Socks: https://ravel.me/disis19/i357a1

City Limits Knitting Diary, Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkfKYjeJbA&t=6s

~ Finished Objects ~

Clipped Crows Fly Again Sweater: https://ravel.me/disis19/6hcvd

Flax for A: https://ravel.me/disis19/1fheg9 

Umbrella Socks: https://ravel.me/disis19/iwqfm4

Neville's Joy Socks: https://ravel.me/disis19/2r8wkh

Crunkled Socks for Mom: https://ravel.me/disis19/m0of0u

~ Mentions ~

Autumn Honeycomb Blanket: https://ravel.me/disis19/n921xs

TheKnitGirllls Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCff56qCdpGwcRdAJ3W5uScw

Campside Cardi: https://ravel.me/disis19/y7dbrt

Campside Cardi KAL by Jana at Purl Together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feoFvfCEHeY

Hand Me My Knitting Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXa8w56xQmr7mpcaGry4AbQ

Pip & Pin Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1kFK69f-j7bJxg4yACtmHA

Off Our Needles Novel-T Knit-along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xT5EH4s6lI&t=2s

Novel-T: https://ravel.me/disis19/h1ccku

OtterlyAdorableKnits: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OtterlyAdorableKnits 


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