Books: My Thoughts on Nightstalkers (MEG #5)

Nightstalkers Nightstalkers by Steve Alten
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Enjoyable but I wish the author would get away from the reality TV plot line. That didn't play a big part in this book thankfully. Another creature is introduced in this volume and that always brings interest for me.

Something to note is that this book drops what I think are spoilers to the author's Loch series. It is a series I was interested in reading, so not knowing things were revealed in this book that pertained to that series bothered me a bit. If you are interested in the Loch series, definitely stay away from this installment until you've read the first 2 books in that one.

I believe this series will conclude in 2018, so I'm interested to see how this all will wrap up.

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