Face Masks: Face Mask Friday!

Ok, by time this post goes up, it won't be Friday anymore but that's ok! So, I've been pretty lax with my masking and exfoliating the last month or two. But it's a new year and I'm going to get back on track! My first Face Mask Friday of the year included Deluvia Dead Sea Purifying Mask. Also, I like to exfoliate before I mask to achieve the maximum results from whatever mask I decide to use, so I started with the SeneDerm Polishing Exfoliator from SeneGence. 

The exfoliator is new to me so I can't give you an in depth review, but I can say that the granules are very smooth and it does lather slightly. I do like it so far. 

The Deluvia mask I've been using for six or seven years. It's great when you want something quick, but still does a good job. I use this in the shower, which saves even more time. A little goes a long way. Just spread a thin layer on, wait 1-5 minutes and then rinse off. It does tingle a bit which I like because I can feel it working. 

Let me know what you include in your Face Mask Fridays, or whatever days you face mask ;) Hope your year is off to a great start!

Take Care and Smile Always =)


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