
Showing posts from February, 2017

#MarchMysteryMadness : Challenges & TBR

A video version of the challenges for the 2nd Annual March Mystery Madness Readathon including the books I have chosen to fit the challenges. No promises that I'll stick to this list though, as you may or may not know, I am terrible at sticking to a TBR! Let me know if you'll be joining us for our readathon in March!

Books: January Wrap Up

I think I'm finally coming out of my reading slump! I read 3 novels and 10 volumes of manga in January. Really been enjoying manga lately and I still have a lot of it out from the library. If you are only interested in the manga that I ready, you can skip ahead to 17:11

Books: March Mystery Madness Challenges Announcement

March Mystery Madness starts a little over a week from now! If you are a part of our Mystery Madness Goodreads Group , you have already seen the threads, but if you aren't a part of the group yet, here are the challenges that we have for the month of March. Hopefully these will help you put together your To Read list for the month, if you don't already have a few books lined up already! Most of these are self-explainatory, but if you have any questions, please let me know. True Crime or Thriller Classic Mystery - any mystery published before 1967 counts! First in a Series or Sequel - start a new mystery series or read a sequel in one you have already started. If you are participating in #Book1CoziesClub any of those selections counts for this too! New To You Author Paranormal or Futuristic Mystery Kid or Youth Detective Diverse Character - read a mystery with a character that has a different background than you. This includes race, sexuality, religion, etc. We'...

Books: My Thoughts on P.S. I Love You

P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really don't know what took me so long to read this book! You would not believe how long I’ve had it sitting on my shelf. I originally bought it because I saw the movie, not realizing it was based on a book. Of course, once I found out, I immediately went to purchase a copy of the book and then I let it sit on my shelf for ages. I think part of my hesitation in reading this was because I had enjoyed the movie so much. I know the saying is that the book is always better than the movie, but over the last year, I have found that not to be 100% true, at least in my case. I am very happy to say that this book was so much better than the movie! I am so glad that I was able to buddy read this with a friend. You really go through a roller coaster of emotions as you follow Holly trying to cope with the death of her husband. You can feel Holly's pain and the grief she carries, but you also get flashbacks of he...

#Book1CoziesClub: March Book of the Month

I only picked one book out of the jar this month, so we can all participate in March Mystery Madness! Links to the selection are after the break:

Books: March Mystery Madness Announcement

Get ready to join us in the 2nd Annual March Mystery Madness Readathon! Elizabeth from LizzyfayeLovesBooks Troi Towel March Mystery Madness on Twitter Mystery Madness Goodreads Group The blanket shown in the closer was hand knit by me.

Books: My Thoughts on Second Street Station (Mary Handley Mystery #1)

Second Street Station by Lawrence H. Levy My rating: 3 of 5 stars In the end, I did enjoy seeing Mary work through this case and kick some butt while she was at it, however, the things that bothered me about this book will stay with me for a while. I picked up this book because I received a copy of the second book in this series for review. I do not like to series out of order so I had to read this first. I had prepared myself before starting this for it's view on women due to the time in history where this story takes place. I hadn't prepared myself for it's statements regarding Chinese immigrant workers. Granted, due to the time period, I probably should've prepared myself for all aspects, but I didn't and those parts of this story bothered me a lot. It makes you wonder how the author comes up with such hateful phrases. I understand this is a work of fiction, but I have to wonder if he heard something like what he has written from someone else ...