Books: Beat the Backlist Challenge 2017
One of my goals for 2017 is again to read from my own shelves. I participated in #RockMyTBR in 2016 and accomplished what I set out to do, but I wanted to try something different this year. I was just going to go about completing a "Read From My Own Shelves" type challenge myself, without participating in one already out there, but then I stumbled across the Beat the Backlist Challenge which is hosted by NovelKnight. This one had some fun Hogwarts mini-challenges, so I decided I wanted to give this one a try this time around. I will be participating as part of Ravenclaw house for those mini challenges! This challenge is also perfect for me because I do not read a lot of new release books. I'd say less than ten percent of the books I read in one year are new releases. Now on to my TBR. I decided to post 26 titles as my plan is to read 52 novels in 2017. Not all of these books will be from my personal library as there are series that I would like to finish which I ...